Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spring is here...are your allergies blooming too?

As summer nears and days become warmer we tend to spend more time outside with family and friends doing the things we love best...hiking, playing sports, bbq'ing. But the warmer weather and outdoor play also bring allergens such as pollen, dust and other irritants to our respiratory systems. Common symptoms include itching eyes, sneezing and general fatigue.

What can you do to decrease the discomfort?

1.) Try to avoid the outdoors when it is windy and/or pollen counts are highest. can give you daily forecasts for your area to help you plan.

2.) Clean your homes air filters and duct-work regularly.

3.) Use a Neti Pot daily! This will sooth irritated nasal mucosa and wash away allergens. Using regular saline (salt water) to clean your sinuses also can help avoid sinus infections. 

4.) If necessary use an OTC (over the counter) generic non-drowsy antihistamine such as chlorpheniramine,clemastine or brompheniramine through the worst part of the season.

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